Laser treatment of couperose, telangiectasia or spider veins – through targeted closure of vessels
Modern diode lasers are particularly suitable for vascular treatments. Thanks to the deep penetration depth, deeper-lying vessels as well as superficial vessels in the face, such as spider veins, can be lasered – reliably, safely, specifically and with little pain. The surrounding tissue is not damaged in the process. Doctors use diode lasers for the treatment of deeper vessels and for superficial vascular treatments (e.g. the dios:blue diode laser, which is recommended for superficial vascular treatments).
Vascular treatments with diode lasers
Reliably close targeted vessels
The target of laser radiation is the red blood cell pigment haemoglobin in the blood vessel. The laser light penetrates the skin without damaging it. Heating the haemoglobin pigment causes denaturation of the vessel wall and the vessel closes. In this way problematic changes can be permanently eliminated. Diode lasers can be used to treat telangiectasia, haemangiomas, port-wine stains, spider veins and couperose.
Neben der Behandlung von Couperose oder Rosacea eignet sich die IPL-Anwendung zur Entfernung störender Körperhaare, zur Aknebehandlung und zur Hautverjüngung.
Diode lasers are also used to remove skin changes, in the treatment of herpes, for treating nail mycosis or for acne and warts.
The risk of side effects is very low with this therapy. Anaesthetic is not necessary in the vast majority of cases. Effective cooling before, during and after the treatment ensures a low-pain therapy and has a calming effect on the skin.
The treated skin usually heals within 4 to 6 weeks. In rare cases, brownish discolouration can remain for a longer period of time.
Das hängt von der Ausprägung, dem verwendeten Gerät, dem individuellen Hauttyp und der Anzahl der durchgeführten Behandlungen ab. In der Regel sind mehrere Sitzungen erforderlich, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Spider veins, telangiectasias, haemangiomas or couperose can be lasered at any time of the year – however, the skin should not be recently tanned and sun should be avoided for a few weeks. This is why most doctors and patients choose to perform vascular treatment in the cold months.