Precise procedures – through selective tissue ablation
Laser assisted therapy is a good option for tonsillotomy or turbinate hyperplasia because lasers have a whole range of benefits in particular in ENT surgery. With modern devices, such as the dios:blue from intros, doctors are able to safely perform very precise and minimally invasive surgical procedures involving tissue removal without bleeding – even on tissues with a high bleeding tendency, such as tonsils, polyps and haemangiomas.
Lasers in ENT surgery
Utmost precision and control
Diode lasers are small, compact and powerful lasers that work by converting electrical energy into light. A major advantage of diode laser technology is its precision and control. The laser beam can be directed specifically at the area to be treated, which enables precise and gentle treatment. The procedure is usually painless and there is less blood loss than with conventional methods. Diode lasers can be used to treat polyps, tumours, tonsillitis, snoring and sleep apnoea.

Lasers such as the dios:blue from intros are used in the following areas of ENT surgery:
- Turbinate hyperplasia / conchotomy
- Tonsillectomy / tonsillotomy
- Tumours
- Capillary haemangiomas / telangiectasias
- Keratoses
- Myringotomy
- Stenoses
- Polyps
- Papillomas / cysts
- Tongue surgery
- Synechiae
- Stapedectomy
- Septum spur
- Dysplasias
Patients usually recover quickly because this surgical procedure is especially gentle and has few side effects. In most cases, the post-treatment times are significantly shorter than those after conventional surgery.
In folgenden Bereichen der HNO-Chirurgie kommen Laser wie der dios:blue von intros zum Einsatz:
• Nasenmuschelhyperplasie / Conchotomie
• Tonsillektomie / Tonsillotomie
• Tumoren
• kapilläre Hämangiome / Teleangiektasien
• Keratosen
• Myringotomie
• Stenosen
• Polypen
• Papillome / Zysten
• Zungenchirurgie
• Synechien
• Stapedektomie
• Septumsporn
• Dysplasien